
Faust: Sixty Sixty

aka Fastened 60/60

"We were actually finished with all recordings of "you know faUSt", the song called "go go" (would later become 60 60 due to an error of reading the notes: go go is just lke 60-60 just upside down, me afterward, called the song "mimi", our dog who got shot by some fascist-hunter because he loved to run in the grass, just for the sake of running....) was done and I loved it. It reminded me of the slapp happy days, you know how i like 'songs', and then I came with the idea of having words on it, so i drove to Lutz (Lutz Vogelsang, the ever-so-good sound engineer who recorded the whole album) in the next village and I told him my desire. He immediately found the song on his computer, had a mike set up in his small livingroom and said "ready! you can sing". Oh! I realized then that I did not have a clue about what to sing, so I sat (yes i did not stand) in front of the mike and I sang my very true thoughts, I pushed the first words: allez vas-y, droit devant!" (Come on! Go! Straight ahead!) and then I do not know what happened, I could hear the words clearly in my head as if someone would dictate them to me. I know it sounds ridiculous but I dont care. I did not write the lyrics, they came onto me, all, clearly displayed. It was no effort, no interuption between the verses, no hurry, no fear to loose contact, I was running alongside my departed dog, I was a dog. I wept as the song ended and felt like an empty bag, felt his soul vanishing." (Jean-Hervé Péron, The Faust List, September 2006)


  Sixty Sixty  2.53 
from  you know faUSt

  Fastened 60/60  1.15 
   written & performed 1996
from  Untitled

click to play...  Sixty Sixty  3.25 
   Jean-Hervé Péron live at the LMC festival
from  Jean-Hervé Live at LMC


allez vas-y, droit devant
ouvres tes yeux ouvre ton coeur
regarde partout, mais jamais derriere
n'aie pas peur, ne t'arretes plus maintenant
vas-y, droit devant!

les odeurs,le vent, fou,
l'herbe cingle tes yeux jusqu au sang
mais te t'arretes pas,
vas-y continue, droit devant!

tes reves, tes espoirs te porteront
ton histoire ne fait que commencer tu sais,
le chemin n'est pas bien long
mais  pour toi il s'etire sans fin dans l'inconnu,
dans l'inconnu, nu, nu, nu

tu es parti maintenant
ne pense plus a rien, laisse tout derriere,
fouine, chasse, retourne la terre,
le coeur haletant, les yeux grand ouvert,

cherche, cherche le bonheur
et s'il ne te vient pas.
eh bien, arrache-le, prends-le, vole-le

il n'y a plus de raison, il n'y a plus de droit,
il n'y a plus de valeur, il n'y a plus rien maintenant,
plus rien
que toi